Emotion for Passion​
Client work - Website redesign

A website redesign for an Italian based company that partners with small organic wineries around the world.I was tasked with increasing customer engagement with the brand by simplifying the experience and brand message.
User Research, UX and UI Design, Prototyping
Figma, Adobe Suites, Google analytics

Who is Emotion for Passion
The demand for natural and organic wine in the U.S. is increasing drastically. Most wineries that follow these practices are small family owned businesses that struggle to compete with large commercial operations.
Emotion for Passion is a brand that aims to re-direct consumer attention to these small wineries by acting as the middle man between them and U.S. distributors.
Wineries and Customers
1. Emotion for Passion struggles to gain consumer trust through their website and has seen a decrease in site traffic.
2. Customers have a hard time navigating the site and locating the information they are looking for. i.e. Wineries, products, brand story, etc.
3. The wineries represented through Emotion for Passion want to be promoted in a clear and impactful way.
Promote the brand mission and wineries
How could we engage with U.S. consumers and gain their trust?
Solution: Education and a clear brand message in 3 key areas.
1. Emphasize the importance of the landing page by clearly listing the brands the companies key offerings.
2. Increase feature discoverability by decreasing clutter and simplifying user flows.
3. Educate new users on the importance of these small family owned wineries and their sustainable practices by dedicating a bio page for each winery.
Lo-Fi Wireframes and User Research​
Auditing the original website uncovered consumer pain points and allowed me to identify opportunities for growth within the site. I was able to achieve stakeholder buy-in by visually showcasing possible information architecture layouts and lo-fi wireframes.

Landing Page ​
Early on, it was decided to put an emphasis on the landing page after conducting design workshops with stakeholders. Together we agreed that the best way to eliminate the confusion our users were facing was by clearly stating the brands three MVP features.
1. Impact - Customized experiences offered by Emotion for Passion
2. Awareness - The story of Emotion for Passion and where they saw a gap in the market.
3. Biodiversity - An opportunity to discover 9 small family owned wineries partnered with Emotion for Passion.
Impact was an exciting feature to build out to engage more closely with customers and increase customer retention rates.
Emotion for Passion offers four experiences, Feel, Learn,
Explore, and Dive In. Each option offers a great educational experience for users.
COVID19 inspired two virtual experience, Feel and Learn. These two offerings were implemented in hopes to remind people that they could
still explore and support small wineries from home.
These offerings are in the process of being launched.

Our Wineries
Visitors of the site are interested in discovering small wineries
that focus on the importance of their region and biodiversity.
This page gives people the opportunity to learn about the land, grapes, and people that create these unique products.
I was tasked with creating custom illustrations that symbolize the character of these wineries. Each winery has a personalized page dedicated to their story and their most popular products.
Information Architecture - Wineries

Pierina and her story
In the original website, the owner Pierina didn't include her origin story and why she started Emotion for Passion.
It was clear from her customers and the wineries that they wanted her passion for the products and the wineries to
shine through to those who are new the site.
The 'About' me page and the 'Story' page gave Pierina the
opportunity to connect with prospective customers and continue building her growing brand.

Customized Illustrations & Component Library

Launching Soon...
Rebranded Instagram stories and posts

The community of Emotion for Passion loves being educated on wines. Emotion for Passion will ask the community what topic they would like to learn more about each week. We have designed fun and eye catching assets to create a series of stories each week to educate on topics inspired directly from followers.
Introducing Wineries
The most important stories that need to be shared are those of the wineries. Every week we will highlight the story of a winery and introduce them to the community. Each winery
has answered a series of questions about their orgin story, passion for their product, the region they
produce their wine in, etc...

Highlighting Products
At Emotion For Passion, it is important to bring attention to the products found in each country and region.
Each week different bottles will be promoted with a list of locations to purchase them in the US.